The Dream Play
The Dream Play / plastic recycling kit
installation for 15 days.
The Dream Play
‘induced by what mind-altering drug
or rough-cast magic realism;
till morning bright with ant and bug
shines in a mist of glistening gism,
shifting identities, mutant forms,
angels evolved from snails and worms.’
Derek Mahon
Our irreversible destruction on nature during the anthropocene period, the high error margin of the human-oriented relations we have established with other living beings, points out that the apocalypse has already begun for other living beings and nature.
Nature, on the other hand, responds to this era and the catastrophes (global warming, environmental pollution, water resources crisis, nuclear wastes, declining yields) without waiting for the touch of human-derived salvation or hero, with its own talent and wisdom. This powerful back-reflex of nature is the inspiration for of this project.
Aspergillus type mushroom, which uses foods such as fruit and wheat as host A. Tubingenis has evolved in the last century and has begun to biodegrade and destroy polyester-type plastic with ‘esterase’ and ‘lipase’ enzymes.[1]Considering that we have produced 8.3 billion tons of plastic starting sixty-five years ago, the fact that other living things began to mutate to protect their habitats from human waste is quite tragic and, on the other hand, quite poetic.
[1]Biodegradation of polyester polyurethane by Aspergillus tubingensis, Environmental Pollution, 225 (2017) 469-480